The children and youth of Kingston and Area need our services now more than ever.

Kingston’s Kids First is a collaboration between the Boys and Girls Club of Kingston and Area, Helen Tufts Nursery School, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of KFL&A.

We have experienced a tremendous funding shortfall given the disruption of on-site programs and cancellation of fundraising events with COVID-19. The children and youth of Kingston and Area need our services now more than ever.
Together, our three agencies provide a continuum of care: from the early years through the formative preadolescent stages, to the challenging high school years and into young adulthood.
Together, we have the resources to be there for them every step of the way.

We ask that you pledge to BE A MONTHLY DONOR – in any amount you are able. 
These funds will go straight into our programs – to the emergency summer camps the Boys and Girls Club is operating, to Helen Tufts Nursery School support and the virtual mentoring sessions facilitated by Big Brothers Big Sisters. 
Through monthly donations, your support doesn’t stop now – it will continue to fund child and youth programs beyond the crisis, when quality and consistent support will respond to young people’s new support needs after such long months of social isolation.


The Whig Standard is proud to spearhead the launch of Kingston’s Kids First

Thank you for putting Kingston’s Kids First now.
Together, we are building the strong leaders of tomorrow – after our current crisis and beyond.

Charitable Organization Number – 14052 6369 RR0001